Welcome to CFO Pal.

How well do you know your numbers?

Do you think you could make better decisions with more comprehensive financial insights?

We Are CFO Pal

Introducing CFO pal, specifically crafted for small business owners navigating the financial landscape solo. If you're managing a business with annual sales under $5,000,000 and lack the support of a CFO, you've come to the right place. We understand the challenges you face in deciphering financial data and forecasting future outcomes. Our platform empowers you to gain valuable insights, enabling informed decisions that drive your business forward.

With our suite of tools and resources, you'll unlock the ability to analyze your finances comprehensively and plan strategically for the future. What sets us apart is our flexibility - our service allows each business owner to customize key metrics that are meaningful to your business. Whether it's understanding your cash flow, assessing profitability, or forecasting growth opportunities, we're here to simplify the process and provide actionable guidance.

Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to financial clarity. Join our community of savvy small business owners and embark on a journey towards greater financial literacy and success.

Our Packages

Monthly Analysis

- Month-to-month report comparing key metrics from the previous month, trailing 12-month, or additional historical data.
- Year-end financial analysis summarizing the fiscal year compared to previous years.
- Customizable fields tailored to your business needs.
- Eye-catching PDF analysis for easy sharing with stakeholders.
- Shared dashboard for viewing and tracking historical data.
Monthly Fee: $175
Implementation Fee: $500 (one-time)

Quarterly Analysis

- Quarterly report comparing key metrics from the previous period, trailing 12-month, or additional historical data.
- Year-end financial analysis summarizing the fiscal year compared to previous years. - Customizable fields tailored to your business needs.
- Eye-catching PDF analysis for easy sharing with stakeholders.
- Shared dashboard for viewing and tracking historical data.
Monthly Fee: $125
Implementation Fee: $500 (one-time)

Fill out this form for a free consultation.

Ready to take your finances to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about how CFO Pal. can help you achieve your financial goals.


    Effingham, Illinois

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